Wednesday, 3 February 2010

IWM Film Festival Awards Ceremony, Tuesday 2 February 2010

Shivaun and I went off to the Imperial War Museum in London yesterday for the film festival awards as our film, Surviving History, had won the audience poll. The directors, Jesse and Daniel, were unable to make it, so we were representing the team. It was really cool to be in the museum after hours, though we had got there early. I went off to explore the Children's War exhibition and it was really really good. I actually felt teary looking at some of the mementoes a few children on the kindertransport had carried with them from Germany to the UK. Imagine if all you had to remind you of your family and of your previous life was a pen? One of the exhibits was a beautiful pen overlaid with mother of pearl and it had an inscription. It was beautiful, but still... ;(

Anyway, as the event was after hours (the museum closes at 6pm), we had time to wander about before we had to head back to the main entrance and wait there. At about 6.30pm we headed to the cinema where we watched other films that had been submitted to the festival.

Above: The evening's program. We were really surprised to see that 'Surviving History' had been scheduled as the first film to be screened, and in its entirety too - all 28 mins of it! We had expected to see short clips of all the films instead.

The cinema at IWM.

The Director General of the War Museum, Diane Lees, kicked off the night with a welcome speech...
 Followed by Richard Melman, Channel Director for History and Bio channels, introducing 'Surviving History'...

After which he presented Shivaun with the award.


The award was a really nice (and heavy) crystal bowl with an inscription on it.
How cool is it to have a reception in a room like this?

Group photo for the three winning entries (from left): Annie Dodds Award for Best Documentary - 'The Things They Carried' , Audience Poll - 'Surviving History' , Best Imaginative Response to the Subject of War - 'Red Letter'; with Toby Haggith, of IWM's Film and Video Archive, and Martin Rogers, of Prime Focus.


Joy said...

Congrats Living Imprint!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joy!